What Is Snoring


Snoring is a sound vibration that comes from the respiratory tract of certain persons or animals during sleep. The sound of snoring can be annoying and undesirable both for the person who snores and to its surroundings.
Snoring can cause insomnia, loss of concentration, nervousness and loss of libido.
Snoring occurs obstacle (obstruction) during respiration. This may be due to a cold or an anatomical abnormality in the nose or throat.
However, the main cause of snoring is loose tissue in the throat during sleep. This means that the hole in the throat becomes narrow, and consequently there is poor air flow. The fact that one still needs the same amount of air in the lungs, the air inlet velocity increases. Pressure in the throat is increased, the uvula and soft palate begin to vibrate. The sound generated from these vibrations is called snoring.
Therefore, snoring is a symptom restless sleep. What is more narrow in the throat, the louder the snoring.


Is Snoring current?

Yes! Snoring is a common phenomenon that has existed since the beginning of human sleep. Surveys dealing with snoring frequency calculations show that it is normal if in every other household is a person who snores. Men snore more than women. This difference is offset over time.

Snoring can be unpleasant night's sleep!

During snoring, your breathing is irregular. Irregular breathing during sleep can cause a pause in breathing. These pauses can last up to 10 seconds during a night's sleep can be repeated many times. You do not feel the break, but your sleep may be interrupted. This means that your body during the night, under-rested. The result is fatigue upon awakening, which adversely affects your health. Research shows that snoring increases the risk of various diseases, such as. high blood pressure, coronary and cerebral haemorrhage.



Snoring over time leads to a variety of ailments: nevyspatosti, headaches, sexual problems, and what is worst for cardiovascular complications in the form of high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia and even heart attack or stroke.
Fatal snoring
Do you snore? Attention! Snoring can you prepare for the health of his wife!
Simple snoring partner can give you a pretty unpleasant life. And to the extent that the relationship will cause decay.
Had someone Dominica told her happy marriage to fall apart just because the husband snores horribly, would not believe him. "Unfortunately, Miro unbearable snoring, so I was often moved by a common bedroom for children," tridsaťdvaročná woman begins to speak. "I am the man she loved, and when the children were born, lived like perfect happiness. The bedroom has, however, drove his hoarseness in the morning and I slept standing up. The worst thing was that I suffered during the day. I was always tired and often sick also. The worst thing was that not understand why at night, moving away from him. Of course, it later grew into quarrels that escalated. Miro thought that I do not love him, so he found a new acquaintance. And that was way too short to judge the timing ... "Snoring is caused by the anatomical arrangement of the upper respiratory tract. "There is a vibration of the soft tissues of the upper respiratory tract, especially the soft palate," explains Dr. Mariana Kubovčáková of sleep laboratory Buona Notte, which deals with disorders of sleep for ten years. "During sleep there is relaxation of the upper nuchal muscle and pharyngeal muscle tension in the absence of supporting weak or muscle weakness in the nasopharynx. This causes the soft palate at every breath easily rozochveje and vibration caused by the typical sound of snoring. This is often the only symptom of sleep disordered breathing. Just when snoring occurs very often that a person stops breathing. Blood neokysličuje, resulting in damage to organs that are most sensitive to oxygen deficiency, especially the brain, heart and blood vessels. "Research shows that snoring increases the risk of various diseases such as hypertension, coronary and cerebral haemorrhage.
Sleep disorders and snoring often making life difficult not only affected humans, but also his family. If not addressed, can escalate into serious health problems. Take a little test and if you answer yes to most questions, contact your doctor.
- Sleep onset at the wheel?
- Do you snore?
- Do you sleep during pauses in breathing - apnea?
- Fall asleep anywhere, anytime?
- Decreased in recent years your performance?
- Even after eight hours of sleep feeling tired?
- Your partner complains of your snoring?
Risk factors for snoring:
- Increased weight
- Obstacles in the nose (big almonds, curved nasal septum)
- Enlarged soft palate and base of the tongue
- Drinking
- Means the use of sleeping at bedtime (especially benzodiazepines)
- Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
Even sleep is a stage
"During sleep, rest and regenerate the various systems of the body," explains Dr. Kubovčáková. "Sleep is especially important for nervous and mental activity. It has its own structure, it is called sleep architecture. "According to experts on sleep during the night we sleep cycles 4-5. One takes about 90 minutes and consists of five phases: the first sleep onset and even subconsciously perceive the environment, in other sleep deeper sleep longer, but it can awaken us. The best quality is stage 3 and 4, when our mind the best rests. People with sleep related breathing disorders are just lack of sleep in stages 3 and 4 Manifested in various forms of fatigue and drowsiness while driving.
The most common sleep disorder is insomnia
Insomnia is a symptom of disease. People who suffer from either hard to fall asleep at night to wake up again, or wake early. Such sleep is not good enough and people with disabilities during the day accompanied by fatigue, nervousness, and drowsiness.
Insomnia can be dangerous
Sleepless one has different problems:
- Decreased ability to think, learn
- Impaired memory
- Impaired intellectual ability
- Impaired concentration, decreased mental performance, which, together with extreme daytime sleepiness can result in conflicts in the family and the workplace may result in a change of occupation and even loss of employment
- Disorders of sexual function (potency disorders, loss of libido)